Law Firm Thailand

Law firm Thailand

Thailand stands out as a dynamic economy with a rich cultural heritage. Underpinning the growth and expansion is a labyrinth of laws and regulations which shape the business landscape within this vibrant nation. Anyone seeking full legal guidance needs to seek a reputable Law Firm Thailand. Our law firm, Benoit & Partners, is based in Bangkok but able to service all of Thailand, providing world-class legal service designed around your needs.


Our Bangkok-situated law firm, Benoit & Partners, though founded locally, through versatile, unparalleled legal support can deftly function nationwide. With a dedication to thoroughgoing, compassionate counsel ensuring clear comprehension of even intricate issues’ numerous angles, it is exceptionally well-situated to guide all manner of clients smoothly through Thailand’s complex legal waters.

Koh Samui Law Firm Thailand


With decades of experience assisting both locals and foreigners with their diverse legal needs, Benoit&Partners Koh Samui law firm prides itself on providing knowledgeable and personalized counsel. Whether an individual requires guidance submitting an application for long-term residency, a couple needs representation finalizing the purchase of coastal land, or a small business needs help ensuring their operations comply with all pertinent regulations, clients can trust this law firm to skillfully handle every facet of the legal process with the utmost professionalism.

Boasting staff fluent in Thai, English and other major languages, the firm ensures all clients receive clear, caring support as they work to resolve any issues and protect their rights under the complex Thai legal code.


It comes as no surprise that the property market in Phuket has exploded in recent years. As new resorts and luxury developments continue to transform the landscape, foreigners are increasingly seeking expert counsel to navigate the island’s complex legal system. Whether establishing residency, growing a business or investing in the booming real estate market, making sense of Thailand’s regulations alone can prove challenging. This is where our full-service law firm, Benoit & Partners, provides indispensable stewardship. Operating from our headquarters in Bangkok, our attorneys are well-versed in advising clients on all matters pertaining to Phuket.

Pattaya Law Firm Thailand


From properly registering your company to deciphering the intricacies of permits, licenses and approvals required for various business activities, investment vehicles and property holdings, the prospective entrepreneur or investor faces myriad complex considerations. Retaining the specialized services of an experienced Pattaya law practice well-versed in business and corporate matters can offer invaluable clarity and sage counsel. Within these pages, we aim to illuminate the key touchpoints where law and business intersect in Pattaya, providing insight and guidance to empower informed decision making. 

More informations about Law Firm Thailand 

Excellence with Benoit & Partners: Your Leading Law Firm in Thailand

Situated in Bangkok’s bustling metropolis, Benoit & Partners has solidified its status as Thailand’s foremost legal authority, leveraging expertise across crucial spheres involving corporate legislations, fiscal policies, bookkeeping, real estate investments and commercial codes operating within Thai jurisdiction. 

Take advantage of our expansive suite of offerings:

  • Company Registration: Rely on our streamlined process launching new companies within just three business days of receiving essential documents, accelerating your venture’s debut in Thailand.
  • All-Encompassing Accounting Solutions: Benefit from complete bookkeeping services, monthly and annually, backed by our accounting methodology. Our skilled team of four accountants, aided by expert backup and foreign advisors, provide unrivaled proficiency in taxation guidance and financial management.
  • Visa and Work Authorization Proficiency: Embark on a hassle-free path obtaining visas like Non-B Immigrant, BOI, Smart, LTR or Elite. We navigate immigration compliance intricacies smoothly.
  • Property Investment Mastery: Our expertise in condos, villas and lands covers careful sale agreement reviews, transparent ownership transfers and taxation counsel as your full-service property ally.
  • Navigating Employment Law: Rely on our litigation experts comprehending Thailand’s nuanced employment statutes, defending employers and staff embroiled in disputes over unfair terminations or intricate severance deals to attain fair rulings.
  • Litigation Capabilities: Our representation powers civil and commercial matters formidably, ensuring protection on an array of legal fronts.

Law firms in Thailand play a vital role in navigating the complex legal system and protecting citizen and business rights. Acting as strategic advisors, problem solvers and courtroom champions, law firms deliver multifaceted services crucial for both individuals and organizations.

Providing counsel on statutes, regulations and potential courses of action, legal advisors clarify clients’ options and obligations. Contract drafters ensure agreements align with interests and lawful standards. Meanwhile, litigators prepare compelling arguments to pursue favorable outcomes through litigation or alternative routes.

Advising corporations, law firms guide entity formation, mergers, governance and compliance. Real estate transactions proceed smoothly with guidance on property matters. Intellectual property registration and defense safeguards innovative works.

Employment law specialists clarify labor regulations while immigration assistance handles visa and permit issues. Regulatory audits aid compliance, as cross-border expertise untangles international complexities. Mediators offer solutions without court battles.

Through legal research, case analysis and statute interpretation, informed opinions strategize solutions. Ultimately, the multifaceted services offered navigate Thailand’s intricate legal landscape, protecting all within lawful boundaries while pursuing goals. Law firms thereby constitute vital partners for citizens, businesses and the nation at large.

The fee structure that Benoit & Partners operates under is firmly rooted in transparency and predictability.

  • The Essential Document: This is the Engagement Agreement which outlines in detail the services provided and their corresponding fees. In essence, this document functions as a detailed specification, ensuring our client knows exactly what services they will be receiving.
  • The Vital Companion: Of course, the Terms and Conditions en tome is vital. It outlines the specifics of the client/firm relationship, including obligations, timelines, and of course, the rights and responsibilities of both parties.
  • The Partnership Binding Agreement: This signed document must be proffered by both the client and our firm. This places all the binding terms and conditions outlined in the Engagement Agreement and General Terms and Conditions into effect.

Over the years our professionals have offered comprehensive legal advice to both their corporate and non-corporate clients. This encompasses a variety of sectors such as pharmaceuticals, transportation, manufacturing, engineering, real estate, as well as banks and information technology.

Our unique approach relies on blending local knowledge, an unparalleled depth of understanding of the legal and regulatory framework and a network of resources to fulfill the particular requirements of each client.

Our teams are there to help navigate through and apply the intricacies of national regulations which make up the incredible puzzle that is international business law.

♦ Our comprehensive range of legal services includes:

  • management of commercial licences and compliance
  • drafting and reviewing contracts
  • Facilitating the translation and notarisation of documents
  • Streamlining immigration, work permit and visa applications
  • conducting commercial disputes, arbitrations and mediations
  • Ensuring compliance with employment contracts
  • Managing the registration of social security funds
  • Model of excellence in company secretarial services
  • Facilitating joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions
  • At Benoit and Partners, our dedicated teams seamlessly combine expertise and experience to ensure that your legal needs are not only met, but elevated to a level of profound efficiency and insight.

We provide legal services in the fields of: 

Family law 

Tax & Accounting 

Labour Laws 

Real Estate 

Company registration 

Corporate law

 Work Permit & Visa

Thai regulations affecting a law firm in Thailand include these primary sources:

  • Lawyers Act B.E. 2528 (1985) : Primary legislation that covers qualifications for and the licensing and discipline of lawyers, establishment and regulation of law firms, and the ethical standards and other regulations that lawyers must adhere to.
  • Thai Bar Association (TBA) : Self regulating body that exercises significant authority over lawyer and law firm ethics and conduct, admission, licensure, and discipline.
  • Licensing and Qualifications : The qualifications for practicing law in Thailand, which include licensing by the Lawyers Council of Thailand (a TBA subcommittee), typically includes holding a law degree from a recognized Thai university, a period of practical training, and passing a bar examination.
  • Professional Ethics and Conduct : The ethical standards and rules of professional conduct that lawyers and law firms must observe. These rules cover numerous specifics of professional conduct, including the duty to safeguard client confidences, to avoid conflicts of interest, appropriate fee arrangements, and proper representation.
  • Law Firm Structure and Management : Law firms in Thailand may be structured in different ways, including partnerships and professional corporations. The Lawyers Act imposes requirements and restrictions on the structure and governance of law firms, and also covering such matters as the use of firm names, advertising and solicitation and fee splitting.
  • Continuing Legal Education : As in many jurisdictions, lawyers in Thailand are encouraged to participate in programs of continuing legal education and professional development.
  • Disciplinary Proceedings : Disciplinary proceedings against lawyers who violate ethical standards or engage in certain types of misconduct under the Lawyers Act. The TBA can both investigate allegations against and administer discipline to lawyers.

The “Rules of the Lawyers’ Council Ethics 1986” are a set of rules laid down by the Lawyers’ Council (Thailand) under the Lawyers Act 1985, which contain a comprehensive set of ethical guidelines covering virtually every facet of a lawyer’s ethical obligations in Thailand :

Chapter 1: This contains general provisions such as the name and effective date of the rules and which earlier ethical rules are annulled by these and say that lawyers who violate these rules shall be deemed to be guilty of an ethical breach.

Chapter 2: The second chapter covers ethical conduct in and outside of the courtroom including obligations to volunteer to act as counsel pro hoc vice when requested, obligations to follow the rules of the court, prohibitions against presenting false information or manufactured evidence, and prohibitions against bribery, or tampering with evidence.

Chapter 3: The third chapter sets forth ethical obligations to clients of such as not pursuing frivolous lawsuits, not engaging in fraudulent activities and of course maintaining the confidentiality of clients — except where the client or the court specifically authorizes disclosure fulfills of the obligation, while of course avoiding of conflicts of of interest.

Chapter 4: The fourth chapter addresses the ethical conduct of other attorneys, opponents in litigation, and the public at large. This chapter includes rules regarding the simultaneous employment of other attorneys, the rules concerning of advertising, which require that they comport with ethics as well of as with the law, and prohibitions against attempting to influence the recommendation of of others through the use of incentives or rewards.

Chapter 5: This chapter covers the of appropriate dress for lawyers while in any courtroom in the Kingdom of of Thailand, which of course includes authorized uniforms or robes, where required by of protocol.

Chapter 6: The sixth and final chapter says that lawyers must comply with all laws, regulations and rules issued by the Council of of the Bar and other appropriate regulatory bodies.

In summary, the “Rules of the Bar Council Concerning the Ethics of Lawyers in 1986” establish thorough and wide-ranging ethical standards for lawyers in Thailand, governing their conduct in the courtroom, their conduct with of clients, their conduct of with other lawyers and members of the public.

Contacting a law firm in Thailand can be beneficial for various reasons, depending on your specific legal needs and circumstances. Law firms and their experienced attorneys offer multiple services and expertise to assist individuals, businesses, and organizations in effectively address legal issues. Here are some everyday situations where you might consider contacting a law firm:

  • Legal Advice and Guidance

    If you have concerns about a legal matter, seeking advice from a qualified attorney can clarify and help you understand your rights, responsibilities, and potential courses of action.

  • Complex Legal Issues

    For complex legal issues involving multiple parties, intricate laws, or convoluted regulations, an attorney can provide insight and help you find the complexities to achieve the best possible outcome.

  • Document Drafting and Review

  • Attorneys can assist in reviewing, drafting, and interpreting legal documents such as agreements, contracts, wills, and deeds to ensure they are legally sound and protect your interests.
  • Dispute Resolution 

  • If you’re involved in a dispute or conflict, an attorney can guide you through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation to resolve and advocate on your behalf.
  • Business Formation and Transactions

     Law firms can help you establish a business entity, navigate regulatory requirements, draft partnership agreements, and handle mergers and acquisitions.

  • Real Estate Transactions

     Attorneys can assist with property purchases, sales, leases, and related matters to ensure smooth transactions and proper legal documentation.

  • Intellectual Property Protection

    If you have creative works, inventions, or trademarks, an attorney can help you defend your intellectual property rights and enforce them if necessary.

  • Employment and Labor Issues

     Law firms can guide employment contracts, workplace policies, labor disputes, and compliance with labor laws.

  • Immigration and Visa Services

     If you’re relocating or seeking to work in a different country, law firms can assist with immigration applications, work permits, and visa issues.

  • Criminal Defense

     If you’re facing criminal charges, an attorney can provide legal representation, explain your rights, and help you to deal with the criminal justice system.

  • Estate Planning and Probate

     An Attorney can help you establish a comprehensive estate plan, including powers of attorney, wills, and trusts to ensure your assets are distributed following your wishes.

  • Family Law Matters

     For matters such as divorce, child custody, adoption, and prenuptial agreements, a family law attorney can give legal guidance and representation.

  • Regulatory Compliance

     Law firms can assist businesses in staying compliant with relevant laws and regulations in their industry.

  • Personal Injury Claims

     If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, an attorney can help you take legal action for personal injury and obtain compensation.

  • Taxation Issues

     Attorneys with expertise in tax law can help individuals and businesses navigate tax regulations, file tax returns, and resolve tax-related disputes.

  • Privacy and Data Protection

     In the digital age, attorneys can assist with issues related to privacy, data breaches, and respect for data protection laws.

These are just a few situations where contacting a law firm can be highly advantageous. Legal professionals have the necessary knowledge and experience to guide you through complex legal matters, protect your rights, and help you achieve your desired outcomes. Choosing a law firm with expertise in the relevant area of law is essential to ensure you receive accurate and effective legal assistance.

Finding an ideal law firm for your situation in Thailand involves the same considerations that you might make in any other country, but with some country-specific conditions. Below are the tailored step-by-step to find the ideal law firm talking to your situation in Thailand:

Define Your Legal Needs : Start by understanding the specific area of law your case lands in – for example business law, real estate, immigration or family law – to narrow your search and find the right firm.

Seek Recommendations : Ask your local contacts, business associates, fellow expatriates and professionals who have previous experience with Thai law firms for recommendations.

Online Research : Find online legal directories that list law firms in Thailand to give you an initial list of potential law firms. For Thailand, you could start to look for the list of members of the Thai Bar Association, or another legal online platform directory

Law Firm Websites : Once you have a list, visit the websites of a number of potential law firms to gain an understanding of their practice areas, attorney profiles, client testimonials and case results.

Local Knowledge and Expertise: First, be sure that they specialize in Thai law and demonstrate a significant understanding of the local legal system, legal regulations and the cultural nuances at play. Check to see if the law firm has Thai and foreign lawyer who can bridge language gaps and have experience dealing with clients from different cultures.

Read Reviews and Testimonials : Online reviews, forums and the law firm’s social media accounts can be a goldmine for feedback from real clients who have worked with the law firm.

Evaluate Expertise and Experience : Now that you have a sense of the firm’s specialization and evidence of a successful track record at a high level, make sure the firm’s lawyers have the expertise and experience to handle your case. Review the qualifications, experience and track records of a firm’s attorneys that will be responsible for your legal issue.

Verify that potential law firms have successfully represented clients with similar legal needs. If you are an expatriate or foreigner, look for clients who have similar needs as you do.

Schedule Consultations : Finally, contact the law firms you are interested in and set up consultations to discuss your case. Most firms will offer free initial consultations to discuss your case. Prepare a series of questions to ask during the consultation that will help you assess the attorney’s understanding of your situation and their approach to handling your case.

Check References: Ask the law firm for references from former clients. Particularly from clients that faced similar legal needs. This information may provide insight into the attorney’s professionalism as well as their track record of success with your type of case.

You need a law firm that has a complete understanding of both the English and Thai languages. Communication must be clear and efficient. Also, inquire whether the law firm can assist you with issues relating to foreigners such as visa issues or cross-border transactions.

The fee structures at one law firm sometimes differed from those of another firm.  

Many Thailand lawyers offer their services at an hourly rate. Hourly rates could range from between a few hundred Thai Baht to more than a thousand or more Baht per hour, depending on the number of years of experience and the recognition of the lawyers respected in the field.    

Filing Services: When it comes to services such as drafting a contract or will or handling transfers of property, some legal practitioners prefer to charge a flat fee for each document. This method allows clients get the exact amount beforehand

Personal injuries or litigations : on certain types of cases, sometimes attorneys may work on a contingency fee basis. They get paid only if they win the case or obtain a settlement. The percentage is therefore small compared with other methods and can be set by mutual agreement between lawyer and client

In special cases, lawyers may require clients to put up front as a retainer fee an amount of money from which they will later take their charges for services performed. Lawyers may charge fees for an initial interview, at which they talk with the client about his affairs and gives him legal advice.

Benoit & Partners is a distinguished legal establishment headquartered in Bangkok, concentrating its expertise in corporate law, tax and accounting, real estate investment, and commercial law within the Thai jurisdiction. Our accomplished team comprises 15 proficient Thai lawyers, supported by Foreign Consultants, paralegals, and administrative professionals.

Bangkok is where the primary concentration of legal services occurs in Thailand. However, some law firms have branch offices and/or affiliations in other major cities and in popular tourist destinations such as Koh Samui, Pattaya, and Phuket. The concentration of law firms in Bangkok is higher than in other cities and towns throughout the country based upon the obvious fact that Bangkok is the capital city and commercial center :

The following is a general set of guidelines concerning law firms in each of these locations:

  • Bangkok : Bangkok is inundated with major law firms that deliver a wide spectumer of legal services. This includes international law firms and domestically operated law firms with emphasis in various areas of specialization.
  • Koh Samui : The beautiful island of Koh Samui may be home to many fewer law firms than Bangkok. However, there are law firms and/or legal professionals located on the island that focus on property law, real estate transactions, tourist related legal services and general legal advice for residents and businesses.
  • Pattaya : Pattaya has for decades been one of Thailand’s largest beach resort destinations. Pattaya has a growing population, a vibrant business environment and a significant amount of property development. Law firms in Pattaya have developed with a focus on property law, real estate transactions, tourist related legal services and general legal advice for residents and businesses.
  • Phuket: Phuket is another site of a world renowned beach resort. In recent years, Phuket has experienced major property development and growth in tourism related services and transactions such as hotels, resorts and the like. Law firms in Phuket focus on property law, real estate transactions, hospitality and tourist related legal services and general legal advice for residents and businesses.