Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand

Prenuptial Agreement Thailand

The prenuptial agreement in Thailand

A prenuptial agreement in Thailand is a legal document that a couple creates before getting married or registering their civil partnership relationship. In Thailand, a prenuptial agreement enables couples to protect their interests with regards to their liabilities, property, and other financial aspects in the event of a divorce, separation, and the spouse’s death. They are legally protected and governed by the Thai Civil and Commercial Code.

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What is a prenuptial agreement in Thailand ?

A prenuptial agreement is a contract entered into by a couple prior to marriage or to a civil union. This is also known as a premarital agreement. It is a formal agreement that defines the legal rights and obligations of opposing parties concerned about their debts and property, and in the event of a divorce in Thailand, separates them or ends marriage. Prenuptial court decisions are recognized in Thailand and regulated by the Thai Civil and Commercial Code.

Prenuptials have different purposes, including the protection of personal property acquired before a marriage, the clarification of assets and debts during a marriage, and the erection of the will in the case of a marriage. Certain conditions must be met in order to enforce and execute the prenuptial agreement. First, there must be an informed mutual consent between the two parties without activities to incite them within the agree contract. Second, they must individually sign the contract before authorized officials. Afterwards, registering to the local amphoe is required.

What are these purposes ?

In Thailand, a prenuptial agreement provides a legally enforceable contractual framework governing the division of assets, debts, and other considerations in the event of divorce, separation, or death. It serves the following critical purposes:

  •  Asset protection : A prenup allows individuals to protect their assets that were acquired prior to the marriage. It is intended to protect property rights for existing assets acquired before marriage and retain them outside the realm of division following a divorce.
  • Clarity and certainty : A prenuptial agreement outlines the rights and obligations of each partner regarding the assets and debts in their marriage. This entails that couples will have a clear understanding of their partner’s obligations and areas of rights and thus avoid conflicts.
  • Division of Property : A prenuptial arrangement will establish who gets what acquired assets or liabilities in the event of a divorce separation. It is a mechanism that allows couples to divide the assets marital property and liabilities obtained during the marriage.
  • Spousal Support : A prenuptial agreement can address the issue of alimony or support. This agreement will enable Married couples to spell out an arrangement for spousal maintenance if the marriage ends down the road to reduce conflicts.
  • Protect the Children : If children are part of the union, a prenup can cover child-related matters. This might include the topic of child custody and visitation rights, as well as child-support payments. In summary, a prenuptial agreement in Thailand is a critical tool for a married couple’s financial future.


How do you draft a prenuptial agreement in Thailand ? 

Creating a prenuptial agreement under Thailand law includes several crucial stages that have to be taken to assure its validity and effectiveness. Here are steps on how to create a prenuptial agreement in Thailand:

  1. Seek legal advice : you must contact a professional lawyer in Thailand specializing in family law. He will help you with the explanation of various provisions of the agreement and ensure that your agreement satisfies the preconditions of the Thailand legal framework.

  2. Discuss and negotiate : both parties have to discuss all terms and assets openly. They negotiate and agree on the terms and provisions of the prenuptial agreement.

  3. Highlight the asset classification : assets can be defined as separate or marital. Separate property includes assets gained before the marriage or received by one of the parties as a gift. However, marital assets may be paid throughout the marriage, either in the form of joint funds or contributions.

  4. Debt and liability concern : define the way premarriage debts and liabilities shall be taken care of. Be sure to identify which debts are separate and which are marital, and speak about which party of it will be liable.

  5. Property division : after the conclusion of divorce or a partner’s death, the asset has to be divided in one of the predetermined ways. It shall also include specific conditions or limitations on its distribution.

  6. Spousal support or maintenance : one can decide whether to include it or not. If one decides that they want to include the provision concerning the conditions and periods of such support, it has to be clearly determined in the document.

  7. Children : children’s custody, visitation time, and child support provisions shall also be considered. It is vital to assure it complies with Thailand family law.

  8. Drafting : a prenuptial agreement shall be compiled in writing, and all terms shall be agreed. The document shall be precise and to the point. Each party should consider seeking legal advice to help draft the document.

  9. Signing : the parties sign the Prenuptial Agreement before an authorized person, the marriage registrar. Then, the agreement shall be registered in the local Amphur office so that it is valid.

  10. Regular monitoring and updating : the lasting of such an agreement is better to be regularly checked and updated with the lawyer. This way, your prenuptial marriage agreement will be always relevant and appropriate for your needs.

Each case is unique, and the practice of activity should necessarily be tailored to the requirements of a particular case. A competent lawyer can always help adapt measures to ensure the Prenuptial Agreement satisfies each requirement and all sources of international family law.